map reference 4
107m long (350") and 36m (118") wide this pink sandstone monument stands 30m (100") high, (the bell tower soars to 87m (280"), inside there are 27 vaults surrounding the nave and chorus, one of which holds a magnificent tomb from the end of the 15th century. The interior decoration is of great sobriety, the richly carved stalls (again 15th century), the jube (rood-loft) was unfortunately moved and mutilated in 1871, the case of the large organ and its admirable wooden carvings, the lowered Tribune from the 16th century with its splendid vaulted boxes, constitute a unit exceptional interest.
The Cathedral of Notre Dame de Rodez
The western frontage, which formed part of the ramparts has the form of a Middle Age fort, decorated by two unfinished massive towers. Above, the wall is decorated a gallery with balustrade, a crenelated rosette of the 16th century surmounted by the standard of François d’Estaing’s and another gallery. The whole is crowned by a Renaissance style gable.
The Cathedral of Notre Dame de Rodez The Cathedral of Notre Dame de Rodez

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