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NAJAC - Fortress / Garrison Town

Najac castle keep - Le Donjon de Najac

The pages for this section are in preparation, at present only the following are available :

N° : 3 -  Garrison Governor’s House
N° : 6 -  Ancient Gateway to the Fortress
N° : 7 -  Church of St John the Evangelist
N° : - -  The Town of Najac
N° : - -  Najac’s Tourist Office (Syndicat d’Initiative.)

N.B. : Use the « Index » link at the base of the pages to return to this page.

The photographs lower down show the castle from the town, and, the town from the castle entrance, notice the « ribbon development » of the town along the ridge of the hills.
Najac ruined castle

Najac - Town Najac castle


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E.& O.E.